상세페이지 리디자인TYPE.JH-01(HTML파일)

상세페이지 리디자인TYPE.JH-01(HTML파일)

유형  : 기존 상세페이지 유지
이미지  : 상세페이지 원본유지(수정없음)
텍스트  : 하단에 번역된 텍스트를 웹폰트(HTML)로 추가
단가  : 별도협의

상세페이지(변경 전)

리디자인 상세페이지(변경 후)

하단에 시스템 텍스트 추가(add text)_드래그 가능

iPhone 6 Plus Case
iPhone 6 Plus Case Lighting Leather Diary – red wine Material: leather Nine O’Clock comes up with our own processing technique. We do make primary colors.
If you turn on ‘LED flash for alert’, it makes a flashing lights around the frame, when you have incoming phone calls or text messages.You can conveniently talk on the phone through the speaker hole on the front even when the cover is closed. Plus, it shows off perfect fit and grip sense with top case.1 Door for LED Flash LED Flash metal cover was made from fancy natural cowhide designed with gold and silver color reminiscent of metal decoration.
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