상세페이지 리디자인TYPE.H-03(HTML파일)

상세페이지 리디자인TYPE.H-03(HTML파일)

유형  : 기존 상세페이지 수정 + HTML
이미지  : 이미지내 한글 유지(수정없음)
텍스트  : 원본 텍스트 위치와 동일한 위치에 번역된 텍스트를 웹폰트(HTML)로 대채
단가  : 별도협의

상세페이지(변경 전)

리디자인 상세페이지(변경 후)

상세 페이지 번역 이미지
Good for sensitive skinKlairs hypoallergenic vitamin C serum was made for sensitive skin. It can keep your skin healthy.
상세 페이지 번역 이미지
상세 페이지 번역 이미지
What is Stabilized Pure Vitamin C?
Vitamin C is easily oxidized by oxygen, light and heat.
Non stabilized Vitamin C does change to brown color and lose its effectiveness.
So there are many products with ‘ Vitamin C derivatives’ to avoid this,
but Vitamin C derivatives have low efficacy compared to Pure Vitamin C.
Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin Drop is the freshly squeezed vitamin C through manufacturing method for stabilizing Vitamin C,
so it cannot be changed into brown
상세 페이지 번역 이미지
It does not irritate your skin!
Freshly Juiced Vitamin Drop was with stimulant laxatives such as citron extract,
Centella Asiatica Extract to minimize irritation to the skin, so it can be used daily for sensitive skin.
Your skin may sting a little at first, but It occurs when pH varies between skin and vitamin.
Why does skin burning sensation occur when applying Klairs vitamin drop to the skin?
This is the natural occurrence when stabilized pure vitamin C is absorbed into skin.
Plus, since skin burning sensations does not happen in the skin, it does not irritate your skin and help vitamin C absorb quickly into the skin.
상세 페이지 번역 이미지
For Unsensitive Skin
– Apply serum(a half drop of dropping pipette) to your skin after cleansing.
– Since it is not a fast-absorbing vitamin C serum, gently massage it on your skin until it is absorbed by using the heat from your hand.
– You can use Soothing serum, cream after this.
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